Faye Steiner

Faye Steiner's picture
PA Program '18

Faye is studying medicine as a career change from economics professor to physician assistant! Her motivation to be a PWC stems from her 1st year- the program is very intense, and she watched classmates who had been athletes abandon all exercise, while other classmates stopped eating and/or sleeping (which resulted in at least one trip to the emergency room), all because they felt they needed to study. The past year was the hardest year of Faye’s life, so she totally gets it- the program is so intense, and you really do feel like you have no time or space to take care of your own basic health or needs.  But personally, Faye never sacrificed even a day of exercise, and she survived and even did well academically. Faye hopes she can help classmates in medicine or any other school at Yale prioritize their own needs and see that they can succeed academically without compromising their own health or values.  If you have some interest in exercising, meditating, eating more healthfully, or stopping unhealthy behaviors (e.g. smoking), but feel like you don’t know how or where to start, or feel like you just can’t do it, Faye would like to work together!  Some of these things come easy to her (exercise) and she can help you channel your motivation, stop your own nay saying, and help you see that you can make anything happen. Other things (healthy eating) have been a struggle for Faye, but she found her way (e.g. after gaining 15 pounds in just her first few months here, she managed to get it back off and keep it off in what she feels will be a sustainable way), and she can share her experiences. Lastly, things like meditation, she wants to do more of herself, so helping you get started will help her as well!