In 2013 and 2014, the Yale College Council, the Graduate and Professional Student Senate and the Graduate Student Assembly, and the Yale Law School Mental Health Alliance released reports on mental health at Yale. In these reports, student leaders, on behalf of their peers, made recommendations to improve campus culture and access to information about clinical services and institutional resources related to mental health and wellness at Yale.
This site is a web-based guide to wellness information, resources, and opportunities for all students at Yale. In direct response to an issue of primary student concern, one area of the site is dedicated specifically to information about mental health and clinical care, much of which can also be found on the recently updated mental health and counseling department website, the primary source for information about mental health care for students. Because Yale has always emphasized the importance of a holistic education—one that develops the emotional, social, spiritual, and physical aspects of an individual as much as the intellectual mind and professional character—you will find that the site also hosts information about the many resources and services for wellness at Yale. This includes opportunities for physical activity, spiritual and religious practice, participation in student organizations, peer-to-peer counseling, and more. You will also find information about wellness resources in New Haven and the work of Yale Well, a program to promote and encourage wellness in students’ lives across the university.
Whether you are an undergraduate, graduate, or professional student living on- or off-campus, your time at Yale is filled with learning, challenges, and great growth. I encourage you to make use of the wide-ranging resources at our university and to embrace fulfilling opportunities and choices as you chart a lifelong journey toward wellness.
As conversations about wellness continue and the work of Yale Well develops, please visit this site to remain updated on wellness initiatives at Yale.
Be Well.
Kim Goff-Crews
Secretary and Vice President for University Life
This site was produced by the Office of the Secretary and Vice President for University Life with contributions from Mental Health and Counseling at Yale Health, members of the Coalition for Mental Health and Wellbeing at Yale, Yale Well Committee, the Mental Health and Counseling Advisory Committee, the Graduate and Professional Student Senate, the Graduate Student Assembly, and the Yale Law School Mental Health Alliance.