Yale Well: Vision, Mission and Committee Members


Our Vision

Yale Well envisions a Yale community in which all students, as individuals and as members of the university, embrace wellness as a core value and as a continual journey toward emotional, physical, social, intellectual, professional, and spiritual wellness.

Our Mission

To foster an environment that supports and advances students’ wellness, in all its dimensions, through innovative programs, opportunities for self-discovery and growth, and the cultivation of a compassionate campus culture.

2024-2025 Committee Members

Tom Adams

Director of OGCC and AODHRI

Ricky Belizaire

Community Wellness Specialist, Wellness Programing

James Benson

Director of Culinary Excellence, Yale Hospitality

Vanessa Blas

Woodbridge Fellow, Good Life Center

Stephen Blum

Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives, AYA

Marc Brackett

Director, Center for Emotional Intelligence

Heather Calabrese

Assistant Vice President, University Traditions, Strategic Communications and Events, OSVPUL

Danielle Casioppo

Education Specialist/Coordinator, Being Well at Yale

Corinne Coia

Director of Student Well-Being, Good Life Center, Co-director, Yale Well 

Ryan Croteau

Program Coordinator, Communications, OSVPUL

Erin Farley

Manager, Title IX Prevention, Education and Outreach

Maya Foster

GPSS representative

Amber Garrard

Director, Office of Sustainability

Kimberly Goff-Crews

Secretary and Vice President for University Life

Karin Gosselink

Assistant Director, FGLI Support

Debra Gregory

Clinical Psychologist, Associate Chief of Embedded Programming and Community Engagement, Yale Health Mental Health and Counseling

Maria Gutierrez

Sustainability Engagement Manager

Delinah Hailey

Woodbridge Fellow, OSVPUL

Brian Hamilton

Associate Director of Restorative Practices

Hannah Hooper

Coordinator of Fitness, Wellness, & Instructional Programs

Sarah Kiel

Health & Wellness Manager, Core Menu Architect, Yale Hospitality

Lisa Kimmel

Director, Being Well at Yale, Co-director, Yale Well

Angie Makomenaw

Yale College Community Care, Community Wellness Specialist

Jennifer Mendelsohn

Director, McDougal Center, Office of Graduate Student Life

Pilar Montalvo

Assistant Vice President, OSVPUL

Sheraz Oki

Associate Director, Asian American Cultural Center

Susan Olson

Associate Director, Student Accessibility Services

Karen Peart

Associate Vice President, OPAC

Lalani Perry

Assistant Vice President, Internal Communications

Maytal Saltiel

University Chaplain

Laurie Santos

Chandrika and Ranjan Tandon Professor of Psychology

Asha Shipman

Director, Hindu Life, Chaplain’s Office

Daniel Wang 

YCC Health and Accessibility Policy Director

 Eva Wilson

Embedded Mental Health Clinician for GSAS